Monday, December 24, 2012

Last Stop...Atlanta!

Friday evening we arrived in Atlanta after hours in the car, traffic, and several stops to feed Ava.  We were so glad to get to Gigi's house and were super surprised by Aunt Emily, Kailey Kate, and Luca being there!  We quickly unloaded the car and got Ava to bed since we had to get up early to celebrate Christmas with Papa and Nana in the morning.

Saturday morning we headed over to Aunt Emily's house to celebrate Christmas with Papa and Nana.  They drove all the way down from the north Georgia mountains to open gifts and eat barbecue.  It was so nice to get to hang out at Aunt Emily's house while we all got to catch up.  This was the first time Kailey and Luca were able to interact and play with Ava.  Kailey has found her a new best friend.  Cousins are the next closest thing to having a sister and I can tell that they are going to be very close!  We hung out at Aunt Emily's house until dark then headed back to Gigi's to get Ava ready for bed and another busy day on Sunday!

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