Wednesday, April 24, 2013

7 Months

Ava is 7 months old! This past month Ava has really started playing.  She loves to play , "I'm gonna get you!" as one of us holds her the other runs after her.  She giggles and squeals and is such a happy baby.  This month Ava also started her stranger anxiety.  When someone else tries to hold her or come up and talk to her she is starting to get upset.  This is especially true if either Nick or I is holding her.  Most of the time we smile at her and make her giggle and then she is fine.  We'll see how long that lasts!  Ava is getting very good at sitting all by herself and loves to play "peek-a-boo" with us and her toys.  She's very smart and always knows we are right there but loves to laugh at us hiding from her!  Ava is also learning quickly that Mama and Dada and suckers!  She loves to be held and now when we go to put her down she whimpers and is noticing that when she whimpers we usually do what she wants.  Hope we're not setting ourselves up for trouble!  Any day now we're going to have a crawler!  While on her belly she tucks her knees up under herself and pushes her bottom up in the air.  If a toy is out of reach or her pacifier she will find a way to get it.  In her crib we have set up a pacifier garden so that at night time if she wakes up she is sure to find one.  Ava is growing up so fast!  Here are some of her adventures: