Wednesday, May 29, 2013

9 Months Old!

Ava is 9 months old!  This month Ava was a very busy little girl!  Ava now can say "Mum Mum," "Dada," "Nene", and "Ba ba".  Ava loves to wave hi and bye to anyone she sees, however a lot of the time she does this after they have already left and don't get to see her cute little wave.  Ava can now pull up and stand by herself!  She loves to pull up on anyone she can!  This month Ava finally got her first tooth!  One Saturday afternoon, Dada was carrying Ava in her carrier when he felt her bottom right tooth pop out!  Not even a week later the bottom left tooth popped out as well!  Ava doesn't let many people see her teeth, but they are adorable!  We can't believe how much Ava changes and grows daily! Ava loves to babble, talk, and laugh!  This month Ava also started eating more solid foods like ravioli, yogurt, and chicken!  With as little as she is you wouldn't know, but this girl can eat!  Next week we will find out her weight and height percentages!  We can't wait to see how much she's grown.  

The Derby at The Palm Beach Kennel Club

Ava loves her cookies!

First trip to the beach!

First time in a swimming pool!

Enjoying the swings at the new park at Royal Palm!

Ava loves to sit in her toy bin!

8 Months Old!

Time seems to be slipping away from us!  Our little girl is 8 months old!  Ava is becomming quite the active little girl.  This month she has started to pull up on things.  Anything that will hold her weight she will use to stand up.  Her music cube and activity table are her favorite toys to play with.  We recently got her a walker and watch out!  Ava's on the move!  The chihuahua hides, toes get rolled over, and Ava gets to explore the whole house downstairs.
    This month Ava also started eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner!  Ava loves to eat applesauce, oatmeal, Gerber puffs, yogurt melts, and cookies, and cheese!  Ava still doesn't have any teeth, but she is teething for sure!  This month we were very busy and Ava is such a great traveler that we are able to venture out and do lots of things around town!

Ava hanging out at Miss. Tara's!

Ava and her "Dada" at Barrett-Jackson Car Show!

Ava cruising in her walker outside!

Ava eating her puffs!  Yum!

Ava's first playtime in a pool!