Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy 2 Months!

Ava is 2 months old! 

This week is a busy week for us.  Monday night we attended my school's Boo Night.  Ava didn't have a costume since I couldn't find one that would fit her itty bitty body, but she was still the cutest thing there! On Tuesday Ava had her 2 month check-up.  Dr. Brennan answered several of my questions about getting her on a schedule and how much she should be eating and gaining.  Ava measured in at 9 pounds 2 ounces, 22 inches long, and her head circumference was 14 1/2 inches.  That puts our little one 25th percentile in height, 10th percentile in weight, and 8th percentile for head circumference.  She truly is our little girl!  With the fun stuff out of the way the nurse came in and gave Ava her shots.  Ava received her Hepatitis B, DPT/polio/HIB, Prevav, and Rotovirus shots.  Ava cried real tears and so did I.  Thank goodness Daddy was there!  Ava doesn't have to go back to the doctor until her 4 month check-up.  My goal this month is to get her on a daily schedule.  Dr. Brennan suggested putting her to bed every night at 8pm and in just a few weeks she should be sleeping until 7 am.  Ava is still taking Zantac for her reflux and will continue to take it until she is 6 months old.  Dr. Brennan also suggested that we wash her in Cetaphil to help with her mild eczema.  

Here is what Ava is learning this week:
Ava is drooling like crazy and starting to put everything in her mouth, especially her fist.  Ava loves to suck on her whole fist which causes her to drool all over herself.  It's time to break out the bibs! Ava is spending more time awake during the day, but gets tired very easily.  One thing Ava is starting not to like is being laid on her back.  This doesn't happen at night time, however during the day she will pitch a fit if you put her down on her back.  She is developing quite the personality and has no problem telling you if she doesn't like something!  Ava is a funny and very happy baby.  She loves to catch your attention with a big smile and will coo and giggle at you.  Ava loves music and likes to dance to it by kicking her legs back and forth.  Everyday Ava learns something new! 

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