Wednesday, August 22, 2012

38 Weeks

The past week has been very interesting to say the least.  Sunday night at around 8 pm I started getting contractions.  After about an hour I decided to start timing them.  The contractions were happening about every ten minutes.  Since there was no need to go to the hospital yet I decided to try and get some sleep since Monday was the first day of school.  However, that plan didn't work out very well.  By about 10:30 Monday morning the contractions were getting more intense and more frequent.  Nick and I went to the hospital so that they could monitor me and the baby.  After being hooked up to all the machines my contractions starting increasing.  The doctor decided to try and give me fluids to stop the contractions.  After three bags of fluids and 6 hours in the hospital Dr. Brown-Graham  came to check me out.  She ordered an ultrasound for a stress test to make sure Ava was handling all of this okay.  Ava seemed to be doing fine so the doctor was not concerned.  Dr. Brown-Graham did seem puzzled that I was having such frequent contractions since I was not dilating more than 2 cm.  She let Nick and I decide whether to stay at the hospital and let them continue to monitor or go home and wait it out.  Nick and I thought it would be best to go home and see what happens.  On Tuesday morning I went back to the doctors office so they could see if there was any change.  Since there was no change I decided to go back to work.  Well, that didn't help and the contractions kept coming.  Now I'm at home on bed rest hoping I get to 4 cm soon.  I go back to the doctor Thursday so they can continue to monitor me and we are hoping for some progress!  Stay tuned...

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